Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Risk Reward and Fracking - 1326 Words

Risk Reward â€Å"Fracking provides a source of energy that is not only new but also relatively clean, cheap, without political strings† (, 2014, para. 3). In the article â€Å"The Petrostate of America† the debate about fracking, the energy boom throughout the world, and what decisions the U.S. government along with President Obama should make on deciding to lift the ban on exportation of crude oil and restrictions on getting permits to export natural gas are starting to heat up. There are many topics in the article that focus on key principle and indices of economics and based on the decision made by our leaders could possibly determine our fate in an economy that is trying to rebuild. Therefore, throughout this work the goal is†¦show more content†¦There was a time when this was not a bad thing because it allowed the U.S. to preserve one of the most important natural resources, while using others. â€Å"The Petrostate of America† argues that Pres ident Obama should remove the ban and restrictions immediately, and the days of preserving oil and natural gas should be over. â€Å"Barack Obama should lift it so that newly fracked oil can be sold wherever it makes the most cash† (, 2014, para. 5). The vulnerable state of the economy may be dependent on these government decisions based on the amount of money they could provide to the U.S. economy overtime. If the ban is lifted and the restrictions are fixed we will have a competitive advantage in the world market, because we can produce the product at a cheaper cost. How the government decides to enforce the rules and maintain the institutions in the oil and gas industry will be crucial in whether or not fracking is beneficial to our market outcomes (Mankiw, 2012, p.11). Trade Can Make Everyone Better Off â€Å"Trade allows countries to specialize in what they do best and to enjoy a greater variety of goods and services† (Mankiw, 2012, p. 10). That being said many countries are in a difficult spot when it comes to oil and natural gas, and the U.S. is not in good shape when it comes to theShow MoreRelatedWhy Fracking Is Not Be The Most Exciting Process1450 Words   |  6 PagesFracking may not be the most exciting process to learn about nor is it something many people want to get involved in but it s much more important than any of those people think. Fracking is the process of extracting fossil fuels by shooting a liquid into the ground that contains known and unknown chemicals. 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In fracking, or hydraulic fracturing, drillers inject water, chemicals, sand, or gravel, deep underground to crack open shale rock that can contain huge deposits of oil and gas. Combined with another technique known as horizontal drilling, which is exactly what it sounds like. Fracking is often used as an overall term to describe the whole process of shale energy development, vertical and horizontal drilling, the fracturing process, and the extraction of the oil and gas. Fracking is a controversialRead MoreTypes Of Wells Can Be Used For Drill Holes Deep Into The Earth1566 Words   |  7 Pagesthere are three types of oil and gas wells; horizontal, directional, and vertical. All three types of wells can be fracked. Horizontal drilling is normally used to drill holes deep into the earth, for the hydraulic fracturing process. 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The citizens began to research what was going on in the area they lived in and soon learned that oil companies were using a process called hydraulic fracturing to extract oil out of the ground at nearby farms. This practice is a very controversial in the drilling community because it has longer lasting effects and it poses a greater risk to the people who surround the well site. Hydraulic Fracturing or â€Å"Fracking† is a newRead MoreThe Natural Resources Of Colorado Essay1574 Words   |  7 Pagessupplies. These energy resources have provided jobs along with wealth in abundance across the state in classic boom and bust fashion. Colorado’s coal, oil and gas industries have also fueled controversial topics, including coke mining and hydraulic fracking. Today the switch to sustainable measures taking place in Colorado, such as solar and wind power, continue to shape history and culture. The steps provide constructive jobs, advocate for energy efficiency and produce a positive model to inspire asRead MoreThe Effects Of Climate Change On Fossil Fuels1431 Words   |  6 Pagesinclude: hydraulic fracking, drilling, and mining. Hydraulic fracking extracts oil and natural gas by forcing water, sand, and a combination of chemicals into rock fissures at extreme pressures, which releases the oil and natural gas from deep underground. With this method, there have been cases of fracking going wrong and toxifying fresh water streams nearby. Some states in the America have gone as far as banning the method of fracking because they believe that hydraulic fracking results in essentialRead MoreNatural Gas And Its Effects On The United States1815 Words   |  8 PagesUnder the Surface Hydraulic fracturing, or hydro fracking, is a sizeable issue for many. The process includes pumping the fracking fluid, which is a mixture of water, sand, and chemicals deep below the surface to fracture the rock and free the natural gas. People are either in favor or against hydro fracking. There is no in-between. While it is highly controversial regarding the safety of hydrofracking, some argue it’s unsafe because it contaminates the ground water, facts show otherwise. ManyRead MoreStakeholder Concerns : Corporate Management1619 Words   |  7 PagesHowever, a certain group of investors also consider social good as an issue of great importance and as a result, practice social investing. Another major concern for an overwhelming majority of investors is the amount of risk they take on. These investors consider the amount of risk an ownership stake in a company entails and choose not to invest in companies that are over exposed to a single industry, have a track record o f inefficient management or are operating in a dying industry etc. Calfrac

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